NetBank is the latest online banking service offered by RBTT. This service enables individuals to perform secure approved transactions from their accounts over the Internet.
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Any customer of RBTT Bank who has a savings or chequing account can use NetBank. Remember, this service is for personal use only.
NetBank can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's that convenient!
What do I need in order to Enroll for NetBank?
Simply complete the application form and submit to your home branch. Our staff will process your application and contact you promptly with your username and password.
Connect to the internet and go to NetBank input your username and password in the appropriate fields. Press enter to complete the sign-in.
Which accounts can I view with NetBank?
When you sign up, you can choose which savings, chequing and credit card accounts that you would like to access online (either in your name only, or joint – any one to sign). You also have the option of viewing loan balances. Note that joint accounts – both to sign will NOT be available through this online service.
How can I access NetBank support?
When you enroll in NetBank, you can access support via: LIME customers can call 1-800-271-7222 (Toll free); All other customers 1-868-625-7288 ext. 28334/35/36 (international charges apply).
Can I download my account statement online?
Yes, NetBank allows you to download statement by selecting "View Accounts" and the "download statement" submenu item. Enter account details and period of statement to download a customized statement.
Will my personal and account information be private through this service?
At RBTT, we are committed to ensuring that our customers’ rights to privacy and confidentiality of information are maintained at all times. When you require support for the service, you will be asked questions to confirm your identity before any personal or account information is divulged. There are some precautions that you can take to ensure your privacy. Firstly, you should never divulge your password to anyone – not even bank staff. Also, your password should be difficult to guess by anyone close to you. Lastly, you should change your password on a regular basis as an added measure of security.