You are on: Features & Benefits tab
- AVIS Discounts of up to 25% & Free Upgrades - Book online at with discount number AWD# J072300 & coupon # UUWA039 for upgrades. Applicable locations are Europe, USA, Canada, Latin America & the Caribbean. Special conditions here
- Local and International use - provides instant purchasing power at over 25 million merchants worldwide
- Cash access worldwide via banks and ATMS
- MasterCard Global Service, which provides emergency card related assistance for our customers who have traveled (outside home country), anytime, anywhere, via toll-free number for:
- Damaged, Lost or Stolen Card Reporting
- Emergency Cash Replacement
- Emergency Cash Advance
- ATM Locations
- FREE MasterTravel Insurance as applicable for coverage up to US$ 75,000 against accidental death, dismemberment or paralysis when traveling with a common carrier once the tickets are purchased (in full) with this card, for the cardholder, spouse and unmarried, dependent children under 18 and up to age 23 for full time students
- Safety- eliminates the need to walk with large sums of cash
- Fraud Protection Program
- Balance Protector Option
- Minimum age 18 years.
- Satisfactory credit history and debt servicing ratios
You are on: Requirements tab
- Completed and signed Credit Card application
- A valid identification (Passport, Identification Card, Driver's Permit)
- Last two payslips if you receive a monthly salary
- Last four payslips if you receive a bi-weekly salary
- Recommendation letter from your employer
- Copy of work permit for non-residents
- RBC Royal Bank current account