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Earn unlimited Rewards
With the RBC Rewards Visa Platinum card, earning points couldn't be easier. Simply use your card for all your purchases, in store or online, and receive 1 RBC Rewards point for every $1 USD or $6.50 TTD you spend.
Learn how at
Pool your RBC Rewards Points - You can combine your business RBC Rewards account with your other business accounts in the RBC Rewards programme, so your points can accumulate even faster.
Your Visa Business Platinum card also lets you pool your points with other business colleagues and your employees. You decide who can redeem from the pool.
Ask your account manager or branch representative to set up a pool for your business accounts or to set up specific business cardholders as redeemers.
RBC Rewards Points are easy to manage and redeem
Every month, you can track your RBC Rewards points total on your latest credit card statement. You can also contact the Call Centre and dedicated RBC Rewards agents for rewards inquiries or visit
Travel without restrictions
When you use RBC Rewards points to pay, you can fly on ANY airline, ANY flight, ANY time. Your redemption can even include taxes and fees.
There are no hidden fees, blackout periods or seat restrictions.
Three unique ways to redeem your RBC Rewards points for travel:
Turn your RBC Rewards points into a cash-back credit that you can apply to your account balance
*Free USA SkyBox address for online shopping
Register online at for this special offer from Visa and SkyBox for discounts on shipments from the United States:
- Two years of free membership
- Free consolidation services
- Discounted shipping rates from the United States
AVIS Discounts of up to 25% & Free Upgrades
Book online at with coupon # UUWA039 (for upgrades) or call 868-627-5191. Applicable locations are Europe, USA, Canada, Latin America & the Caribbean. Special conditions here.
From anywhere in the world, your RBC Rewards Visa Platinum card gives you access to a prestigious Concierge Service. One call puts you in touch with the concierge who will save you time and stress by arranging restaurant reservations, entertainment bookings, event tickets, a unique gift for someone special, travel bookings and more.
Visa: 1-800-396-9665 (Toll Free USA and Canada) or 1-303-967-1098 (Worldwide collect)
You are responsible for cost of goods and services acquired or provided by the concierge service. All costs will be charged directly to your RBC Rewards Visa Platinum card. RBC Royal Bank is not responsible for the actual performance of any person, company or product made available to you through the concierge service.
Exclusive Website with special offers
Enjoy an array of merchant offers and experiences including discounts at luxury hotels and car rental companies. Visit for more details.
Free Indemnified Travel Emergency Medical Insurance
Up to USD $25,000 worldwide or Up to €30,000 in European countries that are Schengen participants; cardholders are covered for Emergency Medical Expenses while aboard on a covered trip outside of your country of residence. A trip is considered covered if the full travel fare has been purchased with your card or your RBC Rewards points and it does not exceed 60 days.
Cardholders, their spouse, dependent children under age 23, will each be covered automatically when traveling (together or separately) outside of their home country (once the full fare for the common carrier has been paid with the cardholder's valid platinum credit card for trips up to 60 consecutive days. All covered Medical Expenses are in excess of valid and collectible insurance. Coverage is not provided for: pre-existing conditions, treatment, complications of drugs for mental or nervous conditions, drug abuse, alcoholism, any pregnancy or childbirth complication, AIDS/HIV, chiropractic, homeopathic, acupuncture, occupational, physical, foot therapy, plastic or cosmetic surgery, sexual dysfunction, weight control, injury derived from involvement in wars, riots, illegal or criminal activity, hotel, restaurant and taxi expenses. There is no limitation on the number of trips covered.
Beneficiary must contact the Visa Assistance Centre within 10 days of the emergency medical assistance occurrence. This is a cashless service, Visa will take care coordination of services rendered and directly cover all covered medical expenses avoiding our platinum cardholder from covering payment upfront or filing for reimbursements.
Schengen Travel Medical Emegency Insurance up to €30,000 in European countries that are Schengen participants- Upon request, Visa will also provide Certificate for use in meeting Schengen visa application requirements for a covered trip.
Emergency Medical Evacuation up to a maximum of USD $50,000 to cover expenses incurred during the course of a Covered Trip if the emergency medical assistance results in a necessary Emergency Medical Evacuation, in case adequate medical facilities are not locally available.
Repatriation of Remains up to USD $25,000 -Covers transportation costs of the mortal remains of a beneficiary to the home country, for a covered trip.
Early Return up to USD $5,000- Covers additional airline charges for early return due to an emergency for a covered trip.
Trip Interruption up to USD $500- Covers loss of travel and/or accommodation expenses due to emergency trip interruption for a covered trip
Convalescence Care up to a maximum of USD $750 ($150 per day) to cover the cost of a hotel room for convalescence as a consequence of a covered hospitalization due to injury or sickness on a covered trip.
Emergency Family Travel up to USD $5,000 if the Cardholder is hospitalized for more than five days, following a covered hospitalization, while traveling alone on a covered trip, covers economy airfare for one family member or designate to travel to the cardholders bedside.
Unaccompanied dependent minor children or elderly up tp USD $5000- Covers ticket to return unaccompanied minors or elderly travel companion home, if beneficiary is hospitalized on a covered trip.
Emergency Dental Treatment up tp USD $1000-Covers the cost to accidental injury to sound, natural teeth which requires immediate treatment.
Prescription Expenses up to USD $1000 -To cover out-of-pocket prescription expenses related to a covered illness or accident.
Legal Expenses up to US$1000-Covers legal fees for beneficiary as a result of false arrest or wrongful detention by any foreign power.
Free Visa Travel Accident Insurance
As applicable for coverage up to USD $500,000 against accidental death, dismemberment or paralysis when traveling with a common carrier once the tickets are purchased (in full) with this card, for the cardholder, spouse and unmarried, dependent children under 18 and up to age 23 for full time students.
Free Auto Rental Insurance Coverage
For coverage of the rental vehicle, up to 31 days (not occupants or third party vehicles/occupants) worldwide. The customer must book and pay for the rental in full with this card. The Gold cardholder must decline the Collision Damage Waiver or similar coverage; all drivers must be included in the rental agreement.
Prior to travel, receive information about destinations, exchange rates, travel requirements and more. During travel, benefit from medical assistance, emergency legal assistance, lost baggage assistance and more.
To manage your card, obtain balances, review transactions or make payments via: Card Centre call collect or direct at 1-868-672-1VIP(1847) or 800-ABMS(2267); RBC Royal Bank NetBank - payments made before 6pm on normal business days are credited on the following day, all other payments are credited within 2 business days; Tellerphone at 625-1111 (payments credited immediately.
-Payments/inquiries can also be made at our Branches during business hours.
Dedicated Global Service from Visa Int’l Service Centre
Provides emergency card related assistance for our customers who have traveled (outside home country), anytime, anywhere: Toll-free from USA and Canada (1-800-396-9665) or Worldwide collect (1-303-967-1098).
If you have an insurance claim and you purchased your travel using only RBC Rewards points, you may need to include a letter from RBC Royal Bank confirming the travel was purchased using points earned from your RBC Rewards Visa Platinum credit card.
Reward yourself! Apply today!
® /™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence.
‡ All other trademarks are the property of their respective owner(s).
* RBC Royal Bank is not responsible for SkyBox’s service (including, without limitation, delivery times or quality of service), any fees or expenses payable in respect of SkyBox’s service or the proper functioning of SkyBox’s website. Any questions or complaints regarding SkyBox’s service should be directed solely to SkyBox Inc.
You are on: Get Bonus RBC Rewards Points
Get 1,000 Bonus RBC Rewards Points!
Learn how at
Your RBC Rewards account will earn an additional 500 RBC Rewards points when at least one RBC Rewards cardholder on the account registers and creates a profile at , provided the cardholder is a new RBC Rewards member or an existing member without a profile at time of registration. Finally, your RBC Rewards account will earn an additional 500 RBC Rewards points when at least one registered RBC Rewards cardholder on the account opts to receive e-marketing offers. Please allow 2-3 business days for bonus RBC Rewards points to be posted to your RBC Rewards account. We reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time. This offer may not be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer. A maximum of 1,000 bonus RBC Rewards points will be awarded per account.
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